Monthly Archives: August 2013

Painting of the Week: “The Cows, the Vines, the Trees and M22”



“It’s not a secret that M22 is one of my favorite places to be. For me, it is magical: It’s all about the layering of trees, the vineyards, the barns and the cattle you pass along the way. This painting combines all of my favorite things about a place that is dear to me. The colors represent an evening sky, when everything is lit in the golden glow of a setting sun and the layers of trees, silhouetted just a bit by the fading light, tend to pop out even more than usual.

“The cows are collaged in, and they are cows I actually met ‘On the Michigan Wine Trail.’ They came up from behind while I was photographing a vineyard and they were so cute; they were very curious about me and didn’t have any fear.  There are also fences crafted from sheet music, representing the melodies that play in my head whenever I’m near M22! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.”
“The Cows, the Vines, the Trees and M22”

Size: 36 x 26
Medium: Mixed media
Price: $1,000 (available at the M22 store in Traverse City)

To purchase more of Stephanie’s artwork, click here.

Painting of the Week: “A Hill in Umbria”



“Just outside of Orvieto, Italy, in the middle of the Umbrian countryside, you can see many views like this. The rolling hills covered in vines, one spilling into the next; beautiful stone farms dotting the landscape; and then entire cobbled villages, as if from a storybook. So much beauty to take in — and such great wine readily available to aid you in your enjoyment of all this grandeur. The best part is that the wine you’re drinking came from the land upon which you’re gazing.

“In this image, it’s the table that interests me most. When this photo was taken, there was nothing on the table, but the scene begged for people, for someone to please enjoy this beautiful vista already! So I added the wine and glass to imply someone is there — maybe several someones. It’s hard to say: This could be a wonderful spot to sit and seek inspiration, contemplation or just listen to the birds sing all by yourself. It might be lovely if company was on the way, or maybe is already there, just out of view. The importance is on you, the viewer: It’s your bottle of wine and your glass. Fill in the rest of the story as you like. This piece is about enjoying the moment, soaking in the view, enjoying the company you’re with, even — or maybe especially — if that company is simply your own.

“For me, the story of this place is deeply personal. It happens to be a stone’s throw from where my love proposed to me. He picked a place he knew I loved and made it even that much more magical to me. That’s my story; now, I invite you to create your own. Cheers to life’s moments!”

“A Hill in Umbria”

Size: 12 x 18
Medium: Painted-over photograph/mixed media
Price: SOLD — but Stephanie can repaint on commission in any size (click here to inquire)

To purchase more of Stephanie’s artwork, click here.