Monthly Archives: March 2013

M22: Right where you want to be

ImageJust you and the open road as it rolls out before you, twisting and turning, leading you right to where you want to be. Glimpses of nature’s splendor — enchanting and lush vineyards, the bay and majestic Lake Michigan — spreading a smile across your face.
The M22 series was created as a tribute to the land that I love and as a reminder of all that is good. For as long as I can remember, M22 has captivated me. The land this road takes you through and the people you encounter along the way will invoke in you an everlasting sense of belonging. I invite you to join me on this journey, this love affair of sorts. And as you take it all in — the orchards, vineyards, rivers and lakes — you can’t help but be inspired. I am!
To purchase M22 art, click here.

Viva la Mexico!



This was the celebration of Spring March 21. So colorful, so creative and vivacious! Viva la Spring, it’s on the way!

Today I spent the day sketching. It’s been a long time since I allowed myself the joy of wandering a city, just sketching. I was reminded of the details we take for granted, the joy of studying something intently to see how it is put together. I found myself so excited, just smiling, remembering the joy in the details. My goal for my study in Mexico was to move away from details, to abstract more and relax into the feeling and essence of a work.

I was reminded that sometimes you have to return to the basics to move away from them, to remember the rules before you break them, move toward something to move away from it.

ImageI find it cathartic, metaphoric and just pain exciting. As I was sketching, I stumbled across this mariachi at the art institute and had to put down my sketch book and exchange it for my camera. Cheers to art in all of it’s forms!
